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The Moment of Letting Go
J.A. Redmerski
The Night Sister: A Novel
Jennifer McMahon

Into the Darkest Corner

Into the Darkest Corner - Elizabeth Haynes 4.5 stars

Because of the time of year, and my love of Halloween and all things scary, I have been more in the mood to read suspense/thriller books than anything else. While trying to find a good one on Amazon, I came across this gem on the top 100 best seller Kindle list. It was getting some great reviews, and a few of my Goodreads friends had enjoyed it, so I decided to give it a try.

What a fantastic thriller. It really had me creeped out at times, and I admit had me a little jumpy while I was reading it late at night. I love when I find a good suspense that can scare me like that. This book is definitely intense and captivating.

The thing about suspense/mystery novels is that it's hard to do a proper review of them without giving any of the goods away. I prefer to go into these books completely blind, having only read the synopsis. If I have even the smallest part of the story ruined for me, it ruins my entire experience. I LOVE the element of surprise and try to avoid spoilers at all costs.

That being said, I don't want to give away anything about this book. The best part of reading it was the constant suspense and the not knowing who you could trust and believe. I couldn't read it fast enough, and I admit the length of the book is the only issue I had. I loved it, but felt like sometimes things were drawn out a little too much and the book could have been shorter. I was dying to get to the end and see how everything played out, and I'm the most impatient person in the world.

A wonderful thriller for those of you that enjoy this genre. I plan to look for more books by this author in the future!