ARC kindly provided by publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!This was a very different read and I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. I'm a huge fan of [b:Beautiful Bastard|16102004|Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, #1)|Christina Lauren||21912533] and was excited to see them venturing out into the world of YA paranormal. There was just something missing for me, and it fell a little short of my expectations. I had a hard time connecting to Colin and Lucy like I wanted to, although their love was really sweet. I did love all of the supporting cast - Dot, Joe, Jay - they all played a very important part of Colin's life and made the story even better.
There is a good mystery throughout the book where you're trying to figure out exactly what Lucy's purpose was in coming back and why she's so drawn to Colin. It kept me reading because I wanted to know how things would end up for these two and how they could ever possibly be together under these circumstances. But once the pieces started coming together, I was a little disappointed. There was no big 'aha' moment for me - it just is what it is.
The ending felt a little rushed and abrupt to me. It was an ending I kind of expected, but needed more details and closure than what I got. As I was nearing the end and my Kindle was saying I had only had 5 minutes left, I was thinking there is NO way they can wrap this up in 5 minutes.
Overall, the book is a very sweet YA romance with a great supporting cast of characters, and an added bonus of mystery & suspense. I think fans of this genre will enjoy it.